Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 79 (234 lbs, minus approx 64)

So yesterday I had my intake session with Cardiac Rehabilitation. It went pretty smoothly and I will be attending sessions twice a week starting Monday. They will monitor my blood pressure and such during the first week or so and they plan on getting me on an aerobic and light weight routine.

I'm also contemplating some new additions to the wardrobe. Right now I look a bit like MC Hammer with my parachute sized pant legs. Any suggestions? I was thinking Gap or LL Bean...

Food is still a work in progress...

I made a very nice dinner last night: Ziti Marinara, with Seared Chicken Breasts, Green Beans and Homeade cracker/chips made out of Tortillas. I cut the tortillas into wedges and brushed them with garlic butter, crisped them in a skillet, seasoned them and then melted mozzarella and parmesan on them in the oven.

Cheryl enjoyed everything as I got a few bites down before having to stop. I think I got 3 bites of chicken, 4 zitis, 1/2 a tortilla wedge, and a few bites of green beans. Dang. I'll take pictures next time. I now use our little plates to avoid wasting food on a big plate for me.

Talk soon...joe


  1. Your dinner sounds delicious! Good luck starting rehab...I am sure you will do great!

  2. good for you, Joe!


  3. Nice. I'd love to see your weight loss and Bronwyn's pregnancy weight gain graphed out in Excel. She's up 20 lbs in 30 weeks (0.6 lbs per week on average) and you're down 64 lbs in 11 weeks (5.8 lbs per week on average).
