Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 68 238 lbs (minus approx 60)

So things are going well. I saw the MGH Weight Center MD today and he was pleased as labs showed deficiency in Calcium and Vitamin D. I informed him that the nutritionist told me the same thing 2 weeks ago and I have since become religious with my supplements. He accepted that w/out making me take a prescription supplement. But he told me to go counter to traditional advice and take my Calcium citrate with meals so that the Oxolates in my food bind with the Calcium and filter through my system. I only have to avoid taking my calcium with my multi-vitamin because of the Iron in the MV.
He told me the rest of my labs looked insulin, while still on the high side, is much improved. So I have avoided diabetes for now. My liver levels are also normalized. So things are looking good.
My BP was 120/80 with just the atenolol. The MGH WC Dr. doesn't understand why I am not on more BP meds. He would just assume that they keep my BP at 100/60 with the heart condition and all...but he is bowing to the opinion of the Cardiologist.

One of the challenges I am facing is compiling opinions from 6 different doctors and taking the best advice from each. My PCP is supposed to be the "Quarterback" of the team, but realistically I see him a few times a year (once if I don't get ill). So I kinda have to be my own quarterback.

On top of all that, I sliced off a chunk of my thumb this week. So it's never dull here.

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