Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Day 10 (268 lbs, minus approx 30)

Hello and Merry Christmas. Today is Christmas Eve and I had my followup with Dr. Hutter, my surgeon (pictured). He is pleased with how everything looks and says that all is well. I guess if you told me I'd be at this weight so soon I would have thought you were crazy but here I am . I told him that I wasn't even sure I had surgery because I feel so normal...he pointed out that I probably wouldn't be 30 lbs lighter if he had given me the sham surgery.
Touche Doc.

Dr. Hutter is a great surgeon and a nice guy and I am very fortunate that I picked him. They had asked me who I wanted to perform the surgery and I said that I had no opinion. They did not want to pick for me. So I asked which were the two surgeons who spoke at the orientation I went to...they told me Dr. Hutter was one of them. I figured at very least my wife would appreciate Dr. H's hunkiness in the waiting room.

Seriously, Thanks Dr. Hutter.

I am now also on to certain soft, Lean Meats, Beans, Cheeses, Fish, etc. No Veggies, No grains, etc. If you followed the blog so far you know that I am very excited about this, but I have to tell you-after making my first meal, I got two bites down before my stomach said ENOUGH!!! Wow. So weird.

Well you are up to date! Merry Christmas everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for setting things up so I can comment.

    I got a gig! Seven seconds of music for a jingle :) Could be my big break.

