Thursday, December 18, 2008

Full day home

So this was an eventful full day home. I initially woke up at 4:00 a.m. I don't seem to be sleeping in long stretches of time. I was hoping this was just a hospital anomaly, but I still seem to be waking up often in my own bed. But this morning I decided to take advantage of this. Since I have no desire to really drink anything and I have approx. 60 ozs of liquid to sip down every day, I thought I'd get a jump on it.
I made myself a Carnation Instant Breakfast (herein known as CIB) and Billy and I cuddled on our chair to watch a movie. Brighton Beach Memoirs is a classic and I encourage everyone to put it on their list of movies to watch when sick. After two hours of Neil Simon humor Billy and I went back to Bed for another 2 hours or so before starting our day for reals. I'm attaching a picture cheryl took of Billy taking over my spot on the bed while i was gone...Billy and I know he was keeping it warm.

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