Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day 5 (278 lbs, minus approx. 20)

Friday 12/20 . So I am realizing that it will be simpler to just label my days as Day x, or Day y, rather than "2nd full day home...." Day 5 assumes my surgery was day 1. At this point, you can also see I provided a weight read out. I'm not getting overly excited or wrapped up in that at this point. I'll probably do it once a week for now. It might not always go down and has more to do with fluid fluctuations at this early point than actual weight loss. It should also be pointed out that I have not lost 20 lbs in 5 days. I started losing weight about a month before surgery to make the surgery go a little easier. Still, I was at 291 a few days before surgery. Much of this weight loss can be simply attributed to the hospital experience of course.

So this day brought about some improvements and some challenges. My surgical pain is getting less noticeable, and I only used one dose of the Percocet-which was more out of boredom I think. So it's nice to be feeling better.

But this lack of pain has allowed some more familiar problems to appear. Hunger. I could really go for a frickin' burger! After 5 days of liquid diet (including the day before surgery) I am sick to my new little stomach with it. I know eating something solid at this point would probably cause damage and I would not do that to myself. But Wednesday (the day I see the surgeon and nutritionist for followup) is seeming very far off at this point. Tonight I started to go a little insane and I swear my whole mouth is covered in a nutri-sweet film. I don't know if I'll be able to down another artificially sweetened bite. Instant pudding, lite yogurt (blended), jell-o, CIB, all seems revolting at this point. I wonder if the US tried this as an interrogation technique...all sugar free liquid diet...I bet Geneva would not allow that to happen.

To be honest, I didn't really anticipate this being such an issue. I mean these are all things that I can eat nomally. I mean I drank so much Diet Coke in my life that I thought there was no way I had an abhorence to artificial sweetners.

So here is the question, do I call them to ask about this problem? I'm torn.
A. My 24/7 number to reach them was obviously for physical problems or questions like "I haven't gone #2 yet, should I worry?" (btw, no problem there)
B. I think I might just feel more desperate if they tell me to suck it up and wait till Wednesday.
C. On the other hand, I have 4 full days just like yesterday to get through w/out dehydrating, so it might be worth it to ask them for some suggestions. Afterall, I think my teeth are turning numb from the Aspartame.

I'm not even quite sure what I'll be allowed to eat on wednesday, but I am told it's puree'd versions of some regular food. I would pay $50 for a plate of Egg-Beaters at this point. But don't anyone worry, I'm not going to go against the instructions...this is too important. Even if I have to stick to Milk and Water (with my vitamins of course).

Talk soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe,
    Well you're sounding well.. complaining about food is a good sign! Two more days to be patient - for a pureed meal.
    Enjoy the great sunshine today.. and stay warm.
    Mary Y
