Monday, December 22, 2008

Day 8

Well it's Monday. I've been out of the operating room for exactly one week and 8 minutes. Things are getting closer to normal every day. Yesterday I cleared off our SUV of snow and Cheryl and I went to the mall for about 90 mins. I will say that at the end of the mall journey, I was definitely ready to be done...but that could of just been watching Cheryl try on 20 winter coats. ;)

I'm still highly annoyed at being on a liquid diet this long. It's even more frustrating since I have felt almost normal for a few days now. I would really like to get to the next phase ASAP so I can start experimenting with purees and more flavors.

I'm a little concerned about my appetite. It seems unfazed by all this. I am as hungry as ever.
I had heard countless testimonial pre-surgery about how after surgery you no longer crave things that you use to; but at this point I crave the same stuff. Is this because I have not had the chance to try those old friends (burgers, fries, etc...) to realize they are no longer what I want? Or is this a bad sign that maybe I'm one of those rare folks who doesn't get the whole benefit of gastric bypass?

I'm getting way ahead of's Day 8 and how can I judge anything so early. Especially considering the slop I have to nourish myself with at this point. I guess I wasn't expecting to be so like myself so quickly.


  1. Joe,
    As far as the cravings go. I honestly never lost them after the surgery. It wasn't until months of sticking to a healthy diet that I stopped craving junk. When I am hungry now I want a chicken sandwich or a salad. I think its the behavior modification vs. the surgical change. The surgery really just serves to not allow you to eat too much. Talk to your nutrutionalist tomorrow about it. I remember being so much happier on the pureed portion of the post surgery plan. I think the texture helps. Stick with it its true what they say thin feels better than any food taste-or something like that. I'm very proud of you!

  2. Thanks for the advice Kate. I have to say that I am nervous about this. Part of what sold me on this was the hope that my appetite and cravings would decrease, simply because 25 years of dieting and trying to modify my behavior led to 300lbs. I'll stick to the program though...thanks.

  3. Joe, so glad you are recovering well. Hang in there through the road bumps! We've been thinking about you a ton. Glad you're home and hope that cheryl is still wearing a cute nurse's outfit for you. xoxo
