Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 18

So Happy New Year everyone. It's interesting to start a new year where I actually believe that I'll be lighter and healthier this year. This has been a fairly smooth couple of days. There is no huge weight loss to report, but I was weighing close to 260 yesterday. I think I weighted a bit more this morning, but that is why the MGH Weight Center people tell us to stay off the scale. There is a lot of fluid fluctuations going on so there will be some ups and downs on the scale.

Last night we hosted a small NYE party at our house with Cheryl's brother, Jeremy and his wife Meredith. Although there were lots of snacks I felt like digging in on, I pretty much settled for some Decaf Diet Tea and a few small Buffalo Tenders. Everything went down smooth. However, I think I have pulled an abdominal muscle. We don't really have an ideal spot in our living room for games; and I think I hurt myself reaching for an Apples to Apples card. At first, the pain was alarming because I feared I gave myself a hernia. I soon realized that the pain wasn't that severe and I only felt it if I turned a certain way. Hernias are not as common with a laparoscopic procedure as with an open one, but they can still happen.

Today I had a CIB to start the day and actually had a few bites of chicken, broccoli and sweet potato fries for lunch. I stopped after a toddler serving, but it is still progress. I am posting some updated "doorway" shots...Cheryl and I are not experts at the time lapse photos and the perspective is all wrong. I don't see much of a difference in you?
Joe had a roux-en-y gastric bypass on 12/15/2008 at Mass General Hospital in Boston. This blog follows his experience.

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