Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 25 preparing to transition

Well it's been more learning the past few days. I have to admit that I have been a bit down too. I'm not sure why.
Part of me wants to get back to work, but part of me is not sure I'm ready. It's hard to judge my energy level at this point. When I am home watching TV, I feel like my old self. But if I have to function for 8 hours at work, I am pretty sure I'd be exhausted fairly quickly. I don't think my eating is stable yet.
I'm toying with the idea of going back to work in a flexible manner. I may go in mid-morning and leave mid-afternoon, just to get back into the groove. However, that would end my sick-leave and leave me in a bind financially. I'm thinking of calling HR at MIT to see if there are any options.
Although I am fortunate enough not to have any pain or severe problems after this surgery, I have to remember that the surgery I had was major and that it's ok to take some time to recover.

Regarding the feeling's strange. I am not sure if it's boredom or loneliness, or what. I just kinda feel restless all day. Well I'll have more to say in a couple days. Feel free to let me know if there are issues or questions that you'd like to hear about.


  1. Hang in there Joe. Its tough to have so much down time but no energy to accomplish much. Just stick it out, things'll improve.

  2. Seems like traveling to work would use up a bunch of energy. How 'bout telecommuting?


  3. Sorry to hear you've hit a bit of a down spot, but hang in there! Maybe work will help keep you a bit busier and occupied and actually be a positive change. We're thinking about you guys and hope to see you soon.

  4. Hey! I had no idea you were doing this until Cheryl mentioned it the other day. I completely understand the stir crazy that is created by staying home after surgery. I think that is completely well as feeling down. I had a few major moments of frustration just because I wasn't where I used to be when I wasn'ted to be there and the whole process is a bit traumatic (hospital, rehab, etc.) I didn't have internet so I ended up trying to distract myself with daytime TV, which I think led to an addiction. :) It sounds to me like you have a keen awareness of the things that are difficult for you now and are doing your best to take care of yourself. That is the best you can do. And talking with HR will at the very least be helpful because you will know where you stand.
    Let us know if you ever need anything!


  5. Hey Joe--I'm probably stating the obvious, but does your work offer Short Term Disability?

  6. Hey Bronwyn,
    Not short term disability, but they do offer extended sick leave, which is what I am on now. 75% pay.

    Hey Everyone, thanks for all the feedback.

  7. Keep hanging on, Joe! You can't come back to work until at least I return from Afghanistan. You'll be all thin-like, and I'll be... well, fatter. Hmm.

    But you know, if you're bored and looking to help, we're really starting to truck along with the fabfolk and afghanistan fablab stuff. I could really use your help online if you're game. You know we suck at writing, creating, editing, finishing...

    Look here: (main site) (teachers' daily journal) (general blogging) (supposed to be all the other minutia of lab info)

    We're getting there... slowly... think you'd be up for chatting with the teachers/users? They'd really enjoy that. But they are basically only available from like 13:00 - 17:00 GMT+4.5, which would sometime in the early morning for you...
