Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 20 Bad Night

So last night I had the pleasure of going out on the town with a few old friends. We had a very nice time. The only problem was dinner. Even though I understand that my stomach isn't ready for all things yummy again, I still forget because I feel so normal. I ordered some things I should not have, and, to keep the graphic level to a minimum, it did not stay with me long.

It was the first time that I had such a severe problem since my little incident with the swallow test back in the hospital. After Gastric Bypass Surgery (Laporascopically that is), you have to do a swallow test in front of an x-ray machine. That involves drinking a cup of iodine, followed by a cup of barium. I had only been out of surgery about 24 hours and I just couldn't handle the gross-ness of these two liquids. The radiology people tell me that happens all the time.

But last night was just me getting ahead of myself. I need to be patient and just give myself time. Perhaps this bad experience will help me remember that.

The other issue I'm facing is fatigue. Even though I feel good, I am certainly not getting enough calories. While we were out and about around 10:00 pm, it felt to me like 3:00 a.m. This will certainly improve over time, but I need to remember that when making plans.


  1. Joe--I'm finding it amusing that many of your symptoms seem to be mimicking my pregnancy symptoms. I did myself in yesterday by eating a plate of french toast at 3pm. It's TOAST--why is that bad? Anyway, I'm trying hard to remember to eat "several small meals a day" when I really want to gorge on 3 big ones.

    But glad your new year is starting well (minus the Incident you referred to)--we miss you and Cheryl!

  2. That is amusing Bronwyn, what's really ironic is that our weights are going to do the opposite. Thanks for checkin' in...hope you guys are doing well!
