Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 37, Yes I Can

Today is inauguration day and they are just wrapping up the ceremonies in Washington. As the leadership changes in our country, I am reflecting on the regime change in my digestive system. I am still adjusting to the reality that my food intake is now governed by President Tiny Stomach.

Some of the challenges that this has created include:

Thirst. Have you ever been really thirsty but only able to take a tiny sip of water at a time? Try it...it's a little tortuous.

Hunger. It's kinda the same as thirst...you are really hungry, you know you need to take small bites, and you know you need to space them out...but you look down and realize you have just eaten half of your food and once the first bite reaches President Tiny Stomach, you are in for some discomfort at best.

Fatigue. It's not the same as sleepiness but you realize your stamina is not where it should be...you are losing weight and you don't have enough calories to fuel a full day.

Cold. Don't ask me why, but with all these metabolic changes comes chilliness. In my marriage, i was the one who always felt hot, but now I'm the one sneaking the thermostat up.

Bad Breath. It's not fun to talk about, but when your body has burnt up all it's glucose it starts burning fat. This process is called Ketosis. This burned fat turns to Ketones and leaves the body via the mouth. Something like that anyway. Gross? I know.

Anyway, there is a new doorway pic for you guys to look at. I'm including the ones from before the surgery and two weeks after surgery for comparison.


  1. Alls I can say is President Tiny Stomach is gonna need a heckofa, er, Department of the Interior.

    The picture says it all, man! Keep up the good work.


  2. Joe,
    You are doing great. You look great! Keep up the the ggod work.
